In March of 2020 Jodee spoke at an Open Mic event as part of the Extreme Leadership Experience in San Diego. Here is her idea about the importance of Belonging ... and also about Discerning before Deciding. There's a lot packed into this 4-minute talk!
Jodee was Jodee was one of the speakers at Disrupt HR Fargo where she presented a 5-minute Ignite talk about mindset. You can either get really good at dreaming about your life, or you can wake up and actually live it. The choice is yours!
Jodee was one of the featured speakers at an event sponsored by The 100 Inc. entitled "Leadership Unfiltered." Her talk highlighted some of her career ahas as a leadership coach, including the painful realization she shares here.
This is a 2-minute TED-type talk Jodee gave at a community event in Fargo. With whom are you connecting: the collaborators or the commiserators?
This is a talk Jodee gave at a leadership luncheon where she shared ideas to assist leaders who are waking up to becoming conscious leaders.
There is some special combination of characteristics that makes each of us unique. That's our POWER. In this presentation Jodee breaks that word into five sections: Purpose, Open-mindedness, Wisdom, Energy, and Responsibility to allow participants to choose their power instead of feeling like they have to force their ideas and conditions on others.
General timeframe: 60-90 minutes
Typical Fee: $3,500 - $5,000
Until you realize it, you may never know you are only living your life in a state of potential: someday, somewhere off in the future, something new or different or better might happen. This presentation touches on some ideas participants might choose if they want to stop living their lives by default and start living their REAL capacity.
General timeframe: 60-90 minutes
Typical Fee: $3,500 - $5,000
Where I live, in the land of North Dakota and Minnesota "Nice," most of us avoid conflict at all costs. While on the surface "nice" might seem, well, NICE, it's actually not always kind. In this keynote, Jodee addresses that distinction and sheds new light on conflict as a necessity for building true relationships. Might there be another way to look at this topic we tend to avoid?
General timeframe: 60-90 minutes
Typical Fee: $3,500 - $5,000
Kelly J., Bismarck, ND
I'd love to help you reverse engineer a presentation that leaves your audience with new ways of thinking!
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